Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So sorry for not having posted anything in over a week but I've been feeling under the weather for a good portion of the week and just haven't been feeling up to anything really. A summery of last week:

Monday- We went and worked on the small farm weeding and tending the tomato plants. It was really hot and I got a wicked blister on my finger from stringing up the tomato plants but I learned what happens when you let them grow out instead of up.

Tuesday- Lecture on entomology and integrated pest management which was interesting and would have been a lot more if it hadn't been a three hour lecture. We went into the field to look at wasp nests but our trip was cut short because of a thunderstorm. That evening after dinner I went with Kristen, Louise, Elena, and Marisa to Coldstone Creamery to get a delicious ice cream dessert treat :)

Wednesday- We met the mayor of Goldsboro! He talked to us about his plans for planting gardens in the city and the extensive compost center (which we visited later) and it's amazingly progressive for small town North Carolina. The compost center was awesome and not really what I was expecting. It was much less stinky.

Thursday- Felt like I had been run over by a truck when I woke up which really affected my productivity during the day. In the afternoon Kristen and I led a discussion on food sheds and we had everyone draw out their food shed to begin with which was good to help them see everyone's own concept of food shed. The discussion went well, especially since it could have gone in a million directions. We went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D that evening (it was some people's first time seeing 3D) and it was surprisingly humorous.

Friday- Research in the library in the morning and went to Toraros to watch the Uraguay versus Ghana world cup game afterwords. The evening was spent preparing for our Asheville adventure this weekend which I will talk more about in my next blog entry.

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