Wednesday, July 28, 2010

PBR and barbeque pork at 3am

The last couple of days have been really hectic because we have been helping cook food for a 160 people that are coming down to the farm in Goldsboro as part of the RIC conference. The menu included potato salad, green beans, coleslaw, blueberry cobbler, blueberry and peach pie, real pulled barbeque pork, and bojangles sweet tea! Basically the best feast possible. My contribution to this conference was getting up at 2:30am on Saturday morning and helping Jackie and Remy getting the two entire hogs ready for the pig pickin' at lunchtime. The hogs were from the Cherry Farms and had been butchered up in Chatam county and brought back here so when we got them they were already cleaved in half and gutted. Remy and I helped put them in these cages that would make them easy to transport and deal with once on the grill. We loaded them up on the grill at about 3:30 and then had to wait for a couple of hours till we could flip them, so what did we do? Crack open some moderately cold bottles of PBR (yes they actually come in bottles, I was a bit surprised too) and sit on the coolers and chat it up. We had the most awesome conversation about Jackie's life in the airforce and how he has worked all over the country in factories and how he got into sustainable agriculture. I realized at that point that I don't really think he needed our help to cook the pigs, I think he needed our help to keep him company while he waited them to cook. Perfectly fine with me. Watching the sun rise above the high tunnels on the farm and knowing that no one else would be up for at least another 3 hours was pretty cool too. I'm going to try and make time to see more sunrises this upcoming semester because it's such a cool time of day. After the pigs were thoroughly roasted, we tore up the carcass a bit so that jackie could pour a special barbeque sauce over it and it would soak into the meat and give it that amazing taste. I think pulled pork is one of the only things keeping me form being a vegetarian. After the soaking of the pork I went back to catch a couple of mini siestas before going to the goat dairy to pick up some stuff. The lunch part started around noon and we were completely bombarded with high schoolers! It was cool to see everyone's enthusiasm and the event was made complete with a giant water fight that broke out. Sherlette also came to perform which was really cool and I had some pretty awesome conversations with some of the RIC conference people. After everyone left and we had finished cleaning up we all went back and showered (it was a million degrees so being outside for more than 30 seconds and you were completely soaked with sweat) and then chilled for the rest of the afternoon. We have so many leftovers.

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