Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small Farm day

On Monday at the small farm we had our hands full with stuff to do. We started with digging up all the potatoes in the field which took less than an hour because of all 15 of us working at once. Yay teamwork! After the potatoes we split up and I ended up helping Marisa plant some starters for tomatoes in the fall. I fudged up the planting however and some pots had two seeds in them. Let the competition begin. We had a little bit of drama when part of the plot that Steve was trying to singe some of the wasps out of caught fire and everyone ran to help put it out. Why he tried to burn the wasps out I'm still unclear, but it seemed to work. After the crisis was averted, I helped turn a huge pile of turkey poop compost to make sure everything was exposed to oxygen. Whew, another hard days work on the small farm.

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