Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beach trip: Round two!

Well the title says it all. We just happened to change up our destination for a bit. On Saturday we decided to get up very early to leave for Atlantic Beach as close to 6 as possible, which inevitably was a little past six, for the whole day. We made a coffee run to wake us all up and then Jeremy, Claire, Gabriella, Louise, Wendi and I headed East! The weather was gorgeous the whole day and we arrived around nine and got a prime parking spot right next to the beach! We spread out our towels, sunscreened up with every intention of not getting burned (I even waited to go in the water which if you know me you know how hard that is) and layed out for about an hour. After this hour Wendi and I got up to go swimming and realized that the beach had gone from having a group of people every 50 feet to having a group of people every 5 feet! How the heck Wendi and I didn't notice this until we got up is a mystery to me. We went swimming for a while but the waves were pretty intense so we headed in and just snacked and layed out while listening to Zac Brown Band until about 2. We decided it would be a good idea to head inside for the hottest part of the day so we drove to nearby Beaufort, a fairly affluent fishing/yachting community for lunch. We ate a delicious seafood lunch (yay crabcakes) at Clawsons close to the waterfront and then went looking around all the little shops in Beaufort. It really took me back in time because Beaufort is the place that we used to take our campers on Long Cruise from Camp Seafarer. It made me realize how much I miss being a camp counselor. It especially hit me when we passed the outpost that the campers sleep in and the Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant where we took them for dinner. But I understand that my time as a counselor has passed and I'm moving on to bigger things, I just wished I could have made an effort to at least visit camp this summer. The drive home was pretty bad because as usual I just about burned the skin off of part of my body and this time it happened to be the back of my legs. Before you lecture me on the importance of sunscreen (mom), I made every effort not to get burned by using SPF 30 sunscreen and reapplying every hour, but unfortunately I was sitting down every time I was reapplying so the back of my legs and my derriere got no sunscreen love and were thus punished pretty harshly by the sun. Sun kissed skin my ass, more like sun slapped. I can never get this sunscreen thing right. I'm still paying for it three days later.

Sunday was nice and relaxed and I even had a visitor :) Ali came to visit me from Raleigh and I showed her around all the hot spots in Goldsboro (if you know Goldsboro you would be laughing right about now), but she did seem to really enjoy visiting the small farm and picking some blueberries. We just hung out the afternoon and watched Shawshank Redemption with a delicious pasta dinner.

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