Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bulls and Harry Potter Horses

This past weekend everyone scattered. Several of the interns went home or went traveling, so the farm was pretty empty. There was a group of about 5 of us that stayed and we needed to find some way of entertaining ourselves, so the only logical choice was to go to the Duplin County Rodeo. It was a great cultural experience to say the least. I had seen rodeos before on TV but actually being there was different. The crowd was almost more interesting than what was going on inside the ring. Boys dressed in jeans, button up shirts, cowboy hats and big boots with of course a huge belt buckle and girls in cutoff denim shorts and cowgirl boots. At one point they had a couple of kids doing "bull riding" on the backs of some sheep which was extremely hilarious. I don't know how they treat the bulls, they seem healthy, but I'm sure it's not the happiest existence. What I really enjoyed too was Elena asking me so many questions throughout the course of the rodeo for two reasons. First of all I enjoy answering questions, especially about animals, and secondly it was helping me realize what I knew concretely and what I needed to improve on. The ride home was awesome as well because it was dark and we were driving home through the North Carolina countryside, which is something I always enjoy doing.

Saturday, the same group of us went to Holly Grove goat dairy for some raw milk and cheese (I brought some home later) and of course to pet the goats. We also were again reminded that the rules of mapquest does not work out in the countryside. Around noon, Claire, Gaby, Louise and I drove to Raleigh and meet Patricia, a secretary for international offices at State, at Global Village to go to the horse show. We ended up stopping at I heart New York Pizza for lunch so that Gaby and Claire could watch a bit of the Uruguay versus Germany world cup game. I also gave Louise a tour of State which was good practice for me for next year but I'm sure a bit overwhelming for her since she goes to a school of 300 students. After that we went to the horse show and watched some dressage and a costume contest. It was an interesting way to spend Saturday afternoon but I thoroughly enjoyed watching Gaby and Claire run around like kids in a candy shop :) After the horse show I dropped them off to be driven back to Goldsboro and I hung out with some friends in Raleigh for the evening and surprised my mom by coming home for the night. My sister also came back from Mexico and brought me a really cool wooden bracelet and boxers with condoms wearing sombreros. Thanks little sis. It was good to be home, but I imagine I'm going to miss Goldsboro more than I think when I leave.

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