Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beach trip!

On Saturday a group of us went to Wrightsville beach to hang out on the sand and play in the water! Aside from some parking issues and crowded nature of the beach on a Saturday, it was a Saturday well spent. We arrived on the beach a little after 10 and proceeded to head right into the water. The ocean was a perfect temperature and thus we stayed for quite a while. After we had our fair share of the water we sprawled out on our towels and ate some farmer's market cheese and salami that Vinnie had brought. Around 2 we headed further into town to find a bar to watch the US versus Ghana world cup game. We ended up watching it in a Mexican bar and unfortunately the outcome was less than desired :( We went for another walk on the beach afterward before heading out and it was only when I got home that I realized the full extent of my sunburn. I promised I used sunscreen, but it didn't seem to really matter that much since I went into the water right after applying it. Lesson learned again.

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