Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear sun

Dear sun,

I have learned my lesson. I am not immune to your intense rays, and I need to not be stubborn and put on my sunscreen. Please stop turning my back shades of red and purple. Thanks.


Sunburned lobster

*This letter is written as a direct result of working outside all day on an urban farm and then the small farm unit at CEFS without any sunscreen. Ill advised.

On a more positive note, today I spent the entire day outside working on farms which always makes me feel good. In the afternoon myself, Jeremy and Louise worked with Dylan, one of the small farm apprentices, picking and sorting onions. We must have gone through dozens and dozens because it took all afternoon to clear the beds. The highlight of the day was definitely when the three of us were riding back to the sorting shed with dozens of Candy onions in the back of the truck and Dylan reverses the truck right into the path of a huge sprinkler irrigating another field, thoroughly soaking the three of us and the onions. It's good to be able to mess around a bit and keep things interesting.

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