Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have arrived at CEFS!

I wasn't really sure whether I was going to keep up a blog or not this summer, but it turns out I have more free time and motivation than I thought so here goes...

I arrived on Saturday afternoon to Goldsboro, NC, which is not the most active place in the world, especially with a population of less than 40,000. I am staying in a house with 5 other girls next to the Small Farm Unit of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (which is what CEFS stands for, if you didn't catch onto that). CEFS is a 2,200 acre operation that deals with projects from organic farming and crop rotations to dairy cattle and alternative swine. It also happens to be next to a mental hospital, two prisons and a correctional facility, basically the set-up for a bad horror flick. There are 12 interns on the program and 4 apprentices each doing a research project in something completely different.

The first couple of days have been a cool introduction to the program. Sunday was really chill and we just got to know each other throughout the day and made some food shopping trips, although with all the organic vegetables and fruits that we have access to on the farm, I'm not sure how much food I will need to buy. Yesterday we had a lecture on what it means to be sustainable and the differing views on how to create a sustainable agriculture in the US. In the afternoon I went with two girls from Uruguay to the dairy unit to help with spraying an organic fly repellent on some of the heifers and steers as well as give them Rhinovirus vaccinations.

I can tell that this summer is going to be an awesome one between all the cool activities we have planned rotating through different units on the farm, spending time at the dairy and the great weekends we have planned around the area and the beach! :)

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